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Boyfriend Sleepwalks and does unusual things

My boyfriend and i have been together for almost two years. Lately he has been getting up and doing really odd stuff. It started him just going to the bathroom. then he started talking; gibberish at first. Then he started making complete sentences. He started to insult me while he was in this state. He started disappearing in the night, multiple times with his phone. He would come back and pass right back out. He would have full conversion while he is sleepwalking. Lately, though, he has been leaving with his computer. I followed him and he was watching porn. He turned and looked at me and said wish you would be like this.

Am i causing this? He told me that he goes to sleep in bed and wakes up in bed. He doesn't remembering doing anything. He tells me all his stress, he doesn't drink or do drugs. He sleeps like the dead. Am i the reason he is sleep walking?

Some of the stuff he has done in his sleepwalking state, makes me not like the way I look or even want any physical attention? It just keeps getting worse. How can I get him to stop?


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