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Selective sleepwalking

I have been with my Boyfriend for almost two years now, and almost everynight we sleep in the same bed I sleepwalk, talk, panic or scream. The weird thing is, no-one else has ever noticed it, neither my mum, elder brother, best friend (whom I practically lived with) or extended family and friends. Only on one other occasion have I been told I was whimperinng in my sleep, and that was when I was waiting for my boyfriend to arrive with friends - I love him a lot, but this can't be normal??? We don't have any issues so why am I only sleepwalking with him?

This is my experiences with sleepwalking, if anyone has experienced similar would be good to know!

Also, I do sometimes wake up remembering what I sleepwalked/talked about so he's not lying, before someone points that out


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