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Confused, is this normal?

I went to a party, and I have only recently began drinking (I'm a lightweight) but decided to get totally drunk. Now here's where it gets blurry I think I may have got involved in some sexual activities and then sat on a chair. I have no memories after sitting in this chair until approximately 4 hours later where I can only describe as i woke up mid pee, yes MID PEE. I was really disoriented. I still am to be quite honest. Oh but it gets weirder, after wondering around the house I found my friends who then informed me that I had just been rude to them and had been behaving strangely for the past couple of hours and had been walking around in circles. I have zero memory of this. As a child I often sleep walked, I believe that this was a case of me reverting to old habits. Do you think I was sleep walking? Do you think it was the alcohol? should u be worried? And has anyone experienced anything like this (waking up mid poo/pee) before? Btw not sure if this is relevant but I'm 17 (yes I'm rather young to be drinking, sue me)


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