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I'm a 25 year old female. As A child I suffered with sleep talking and screaming uncontrollably in my sleep. However when I started to drink as an adult I began to sleep walk and peeing, always after drinking. The first time I walked into my parents room and peed in a draw. once i left the house walked to the end of street knocked on my friends door and she had to take me home. I have probably had 15-20 incidence of sleep walking and sometimes peeing in the past 9 years, the true figure is unknown though, as these are only ones ive been told of as i never have any recollection of them. However recently it happened 3 times in a month. I have a 2 year old son and I'm scared I might try to take him somewhere. Recently on holiday I left the hotel room walked down 2 flights of stair and was standing by the swimming pool when my husband found me. He had luckily woken up and found me gone, but then had to leave my son asleep alone so he could come and find me. I've decided to stop drinking but sociable sensible drinking is a large part of our lives and its going to be very hard but it's not just for my safety it's also for my sons.


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