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Peeing while sleepwalking

After reading a lot of these comments, i thought i'd add mine.
I have peed next to the toilet 2 times,
on my bedroom door once,
on my desk chair once,
in my trashbin ( next to my chair ),
and ... 2 times in my bed -_-* Sooooo embarresing to wake up like that.

Anyways i have noticed if i get drunk on whisky i have almost no flued in my body,
so i don't need to pee in my sleep. While with beer there is always to much flued inside you.

I like whisky so i think i'll stick to that for now, only a few beers in the beginning for me now so i can pee it all out.

haha crazy stuff happens i guess, lucky i found this post. Some good info in it.


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