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my boyfriend does it too...

At first I thought he was just blackout wasted because he drinks quite often but since then it has happened several more times when he hasn't been drunk. What perplexes me to no end is that he doesn't do it in the same place every time so it's not like he's turned around backwards or anything. Also, he has absolutely no recollection of it and pees on a wide variety of objects that do not resemble a toilet at all. He has peed all over my dresser & shoes ( i had to take my clothes out & wash them), all over different walls, cupboards and sections of random flooring, a few other random things, and, night before last, all over my robe, the floor and my daughters chair. Once, he made it to the bathroom but peed on the wall & cupboards instead, no where near the toilet... I don't know what to do! I know he is embarrassed about it and I know I'm tired of cleaning it up. Does anyone have any advice?


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