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I passed out black out drunk then sleep walked and peed on my roommate awhile back and he woke me up like WTF. Ever since then i will sleep walk and try to pee on things, take dresser jours out, just random stuff now just from like one beer. Im can honestly handle a 24 pack of booze and not be like blackout drunk. i can still talk to people and they can understand me i can walk straight and everything. So il drink a 12 pack or even like five freaking beers and go to bed and my wife tells me the next morning the stories of the night before what i did while sleep walking. It ONLY happens when i drink. Im in the military and i when im sleep walking i will talk about anything from random stuff that makes no sense to past afghanistan experiences. Its weird. I keep looking up things on the internet to maybe see if other people have the same problem and it seems so but it seems no one really knows WHY it happens or a drives me nuts lol. I mean i could never drink ever again but its nice to have a beer every once in awhile. The best solution from what iv read is leaving the bathroom light on or using a night light in the bathroom so it draws you to the bathroom.


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