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My Husband... scary NOT funny

He has done this several times. Once was on our kitchen table. Another time has been our laptop (actually it has happened on 2 seperate laptops). There have been many others that weren't quite so... memorable I guess.
Now however, we have full custody of his daughter (due to very personal and drug induced reasons from the biological mother). We were drinking and the kid was in bed during the time. Him and her were both on persciption meds because of a cold she brought home from "her mom's or MIMI's house".
Even though I am used to his peeing adventures by now, it came as a shock when at 2:30a.m. he wanders into his daughter's room.
I immediately knew what was going on. I had seen it many times before. The fact is though he almost peed in my kid's/his daughter's room in the middle of the night. I was able to drag him out of the room within seconds due to a new addiction to a facebook game called "Castleville".
You may be reading all of these sleep peeing entries and laughing to yourselves but imagine what my husband went through the next day when he realized what I drug him out of doing (thank GOD she was asleep when it almost happened). You think it is sooooo funny, "Oh I got drunk and in the middle of the night... I peed on this or that."
It is not amusing, or cute, or funny.
That kind of crap... no one wants to or should deal with it. If you do it, STOP DRINKING.

And if you don't stop drinking, do the world a favor and don't let anyone into your life, because if you love them, you won't drink.


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