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My boyfriend gets so drunk he

My boyfriend gets so drunk he blacks out and pees anywhere. It's happend too many times to count and the fact that people think its a funny thing makes me a litte mad. Any time he drinks Im awake all night I make him pee before he falls asleep but it still happens. He thinks it's no big deal but it's happening more often and besides the fact that it's annoying to wake up and change sheets and wash clothes and anything else I'm afraid he's ignoring to ruin something expensive. It's also creating big problems with our relationship because I want him to hit drinking and I know he won't. Beside the peeing problem I could care less how much he drinks he doesn't cheat, get mean, or drive and always goes to work and get the things he needs to do first. I love him with all my heart but I'm honestly scared of waking up soaked with his pee, the bed soaked, drawers of clothes soaked, furniture and laundry baskets soaked. With a baby on the way and limited space for baby's things I'm afraid he's going to ruin the stuff when we put it in our room. Im wish there was something to make him take this serious. I try to get him to see it my way but since he doesn't remember the things he does it's never going to change. I'm glad I'm not the only one that has this issue it makes me feel a little better.


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