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Am i crazy or what??

Ok so last night I went out to the bar with my co-workers after work for a few pitchers as usual. I've been kind-of talking to this one girl from work. We left the bar pretty late around 12 or 1 and went back to her place. The next thing i know i'm driving home soaked in my own urine with just my shirt and briefs on.. After waking up i text the girl from work and she explained that i peed on her, her bed, broke her mirror and yelled at her.. I am a very calm person naturally and would never do anything like that in my right mind.. I am ashamed of myself and now she will probably never talk to me again.. This has happened about 5 times that i know of and ruined my marriage.. Now i'm afraid it's going to ruin my social life. I'm going to go to the doctor asap but figured i would find out more from other people around the net. If anybody knows what might be going on or is having a related issue please reply to this..


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