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Drunk sleep walk pissing

So i like to drink. I like to get really drunk when I drink. On three separate occasions (all recently) I have sleep walked/pissed on something after getting black out drunk.

The first time was at a party. I got super drunk and passed out, like usual. I woke up in the morning, got up, and went home. Later that day I start getting calls. I had sleepwalked into the living room and pissed on someone sleeping on the couch. And then apparently peed in my sleep on myself. Extremely embarrassing.

The second time was at a friends house. We had been partying around town that night and decided to go back to his house to do some drinking and pass out. There was about 5 of us total. I got drunk and blacked out. At some point I had gone into my friends room where he and his girlfriend had been sleeping, grabbed the trashcan, moved it in front of the door, leaned on the door, and peed in the trashcan. Afterwards I walked to the closet, grabbed a pair of her shoes, and put them on. When my friend noticed me and asked what I was doing I told him I was putting some shoes on.

The third time happened about a month after the second time. I went to a girls house with two friends. We sat around the table playing drinking games with her and her room mate. I passed out on the couch and woke up with a huge snake on my face. (I have no recollection of this). I hate snakes. I got up and started yelling at her. I then walked across the hall into her room mates room and pissed on her bed. The only part I remember is getting kicked out of her house.

Anyways happy pissing and try not to black out if you're not at your own house.


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