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A while back I woke up after

A while back I woke up after a night out and the bottom of my trousers and my socks were wet. I didn't think much of it and forgot all about it. Last night when I came home from a party I felt sober. I had something to eat and got into bed like I normally would, and then I went asleep. Only today I was told that I went into my brothers room and pissed right beside him. Then I pulled up my bottoms and went downstairs in the dark for a walk. After turning on and off the light, I put my legs up on the kitchen table and closed my eyes. When asked "what the hell was I doing", I replied that I was "going asleep for God's sake". All day I've hated myself and felt extremely humiliated. This site has actually helped me because now I know that I'm not the only one. I don't think I'll drink again - for a while anyway.


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