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recent sleep walking

This forum is absolutely hilarious, for starters, coming from a sleepwalking lunatic its all too familiar. I've noticed most posts people have been drinking, I drink a lot but I dont think i've sleepwalked after drinking until lastnight, one time I took a sleeping pill and woke up and my floor was soaked (probably piss) and i had gathered food into a pile and covered all the lights with socks, ridiculous, i try not to take sleeping pills anymore.

I am 22 and have been sleepwalking my entire life at the rate of about twice a year although I sleepwalked a lot more often when I was young I had an absolutely hilarious episode last night. I never have any memory of sleepwalking unless I wake up during it, when i was young I would wake up midway through a piss into the bin, couch, oven, or basically anywhere I felt like taking a piss. I have sleepwalked in hotels and at friends houses but I havnt done it in what feels like a while. i talk in my sleep more often than i sleepwalk but when i talk i wake up sometimes and know something isnt right like my voice is trailing off or someones looking at me w a shocked expression, dead giveaway.

So I've been dating a girl for almost 2 years, thank god she has an incredible sense of humor, and she is staying at my place for a month or two. We had some beers lastnight and this morning when we woke up she said straight away that she hardly slept and asked me if i remember what i did. nope. she said she woke up and i was standing in the middle of our room grunting loudly taking a glorious piss on this huge stuffed bear, after she asked what I was doing i said "PISSING!" and when she told me to stop i turned and pissed on HER futon apparently she couldnt stop me and i finished taking a massive pee and just got back in bed, she didnt try to wake me up by shaking me or anything out of fear of being pissed on ahaha


I believe I have the solution for all of you! sleepwalking is hilarious if you look at it the right way! think about it! whens the last time you had an excuse to piss on your friends stuff!? or whip ur cock out and piss in an oven!? luckily ive never peed on anything irreplaceable uncleanable or expensive my attitude might change if i wake up pissing on my macbook but until then im going to piss on.


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