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Sleep Peeing

okay this totally weird, last night i had few to many with a few mates, i went to bed on the coach at 2 am in the morining, i woke up as usual with my girl mates yelling that you pissed in the draw, obviously my reaction is like no i didnt, but then they showed my i was like really? what they said happened.. i walked into there room, turned the light on, pulled open the cupboard, pulled open the draw and let it go, they asked me what i was doing, i didnt say anything, then some how i walked into the bathroom to yet pee again but just peen on the floor, i had no recolection of this happening, my uncle and grandad are known for peeing in sleep, i am guessing it is herretedtori, if that is you speel it :D i have seriously re considering drinking again


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