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Sleepwalking and drunk

Hi I pissed on the ironing board last night in my sleep I' don't remember a thing but my other half said she see me do it, that's twice in a week now,the last time it happens it was last summer I pissed on the floor in the spare room but before that it's not happens in twelve years, when I was 19 years old I was on a coach with 18 friends travelling from London to Amsterdam we was drinking heavily , on route traverling through belgiumI fell asleep but apparently I got up and started walking towards the front of the coach walking past the toilet , my mate told me he shouted at me where r u going and I shouted back for a piss. As I approached the driver I unzipped my jeans and pissed on the coach drivers back as he was driving on a motorway. My friends said they were gob smacked and said I just sat back down as nothing had happend, I got woke up by the angry coach driver saying u r the little cunt who pissed on me, I didn't believe him as I had never done anything like this before , Anyway I was chucked of the coach and was left in a Belgium service station and had find new transport


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