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ladies who wee on the floor...

1st time: 2 years ago: stayed over at a friend's house, woke up to see a damp patch on the carpet near the closet, i think i wee'd but cant remember; i haven't stayed there again!

2nd time: 1 year ago: slept at a different friend's house, weed on the floor, went back to sleep, in the middle of the night i realised, luckily they had a fan in the room so put that on; i haven't stayed there again!

3rd time: last night: at my house, went over to my desk and wee'd on the floor, luckily i had put a towel down (?!), at 5am awoke again thinking it had been a dream-- nope, wet towel proof; i won't be using that towel again!

is so strange that it always happens around this time of the year. is it something to do with xmas stress? or maybe, yes, i was overindulging...


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