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ErinDoppelheuer's picture


"We know more than we can tell".  This stuck with me through the entire reading and for some reason I never fully understood what it meant.  I understand it interms of using examples like recognizing a face amoung a crowd, but when asked to draw the face we cannot.  The unconscious is one of the most interestig things to me because how can we go about our every day lives, performing such complicated actions etc, and not even recognize some of the things we do unconsciously.  Only when you sit down and think about it or watch someone else do you realzize how much of your day to day life is unconscious.  Even the most simple thing to us, speaking/having a conversation, is mostly unconscious.  We dont think of each and every word to say before we say it, the words just come out in the right order.  The way that our brain allows us to do this unconsciosly is so extreme. 


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