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Love at First Sight

I am in love with the second text.


Okay, maybe I’m just infatuated. We’ll see if I feel the same after writing a paper about him.


How we met: 


I was sipping a glass of red wine in the C-Sem Bar, chatting half-heartedly with a somewhat wordy and inaccessible essay, when Philosophy in the Flesh sauntered in. I could tell immediately that he was not like the others I’d met there. Within the first few words, I was hooked— I find cognitive science fascinating. His immediate connection to the Humanities showed off his versatility, and I knew I’d found someone I could develop a relationship with. He dazzled me with thought-provoking ideas, he wooed me with references to linguistics. Our compatibility was made most apparent by his continual assertion that the shades of grey prevail; reality is an interaction between the subjective and the objective. What a delicious concept that fits so well with my personal belief system! How refreshing and reassuring to find a novel idea that both questions my conception of reality and lets me come to the conclusion that I think the right way after all! 


Philo, as I affectionately call him, and I have been happily engaged for the past two hours. We’re putting an announcement in the paper tomorrow. I’ll let you know how the relationship progresses.


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