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jforde's picture

I found the Lakoff and

I found the Lakoff and Johnson readings more interesting than The Tacit Dimension mainly because I found it very confusing. The Lakoff and Johnson readings seemed to have a theme of the unconcious in each othe the sections. Before this reading I only associated the concious with Freudian theory and dreams. The readings further extended on the unconcious stating that it had a larger rols in our thoughts and reasoning. I don't understand how reasoning could be unconcious since you are concious when you reason and you are aware of it. Also, reason develops from past experiences and understanding which are reached conciously. The only time that I can see reason dealing with the unconcious is when one does not know the reason for a given answer but knows the answer. Unconciously, the person knows the answer but cannot think of it conciously. I agree with their agruments for thoughts mostly being concious.


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