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Simone de Beauvoir

CalderonSimone de Beauvoir was a complicated reading for me.  I began to read the “Second Sex” and loved the quote “enough ink has been spilled in quarrelling over feminism, and perhaps should say no more about” I think this the only sentence I like about the entire reading I did on her. I know this is not a class of likes or dislikes, but I have to say I have a big problem with what she proposes. From what I understood she says that one meaning a women (maybe I am wrong in the term women) has to always keep changing and that this other individual that all women must keep changing to constantly, is something that should never stop because to stop is to conform to the limits that have been set for us by men and society.  What about the limits that we ourselves set for us? How is transcending define? For instance, if the way in which one transcends is to be stable and finally have a solid belief on something that seems suitable for her/him wouldn’t this be a valid transition? Also, I think that maybe and just maybe the ones NOW setting limits are we, women?


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