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Anne Dalke's picture

Writing Conference Schedule

            In Anne's office, English House 205 --PLEASE KNOCK WHEN YOU ARRIVE!

Week A (9/12-13, 9/26-27, 10/10-11,
10/31-11/1, 11/14-15, 12/5-6
Week B (9/19-20, 10/3-4, 10/24-25,
11/7-8, 11/28-29, 12/12-13)
Wed Wed
10 Rochelle
10:30 Zoe
11 Sarah C 11:05 Shengjia
Thurs Thurs
9 Maddie 9 Barbara
9:30 Hannah
10 Elizabeth
10:30 Minh 10:30 Alex
Mondays: 9/17, 10/1 (all re-scheduled for the same time on Wed, 10/3), 10/22--also note change here!, 11/12, 11/26, 12/10
2:30 Susan
3:00 Wanhong
3:30 Claire
4:00 Sara L (10/22 conf rescheduled for T, 10/23)


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