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Kee Hyun Kim's picture

Andy and Eri's enzyme lab report 2 ( enzyme story)

Prior to our experiement, we had a hypothesis that the more acidic and higher the temparature the enzymes were, the faster they will break down the substances.

However, by observing outcomes from our experiment and that of others, we were able to find out that the enzymes perform in a U shaped curve regarding the level of acididity and temperature.

Enzymes performed at its maximum level ( of breaking down substance ) at ph level of 10.4 and at room temperature. As acid level and temeperature moved away from this optimal point, the performance of the enzymes fell.

Our hypothesis behind this result is that since these enzymes came from a cow, it is likely that it performs optimally at a envioroment that best suits a cow (temperature and ph level).

Although we do not have the neccesary observation, we think this is a good hypothesis because it is logical that enzymes will differ in its optimal performing enviorment. ( for example enzymes in a deep sea fish would have to perform its break down fuction in a radically different enviorment to that of a cow)



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