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Additional story - Enzymes

Initially, we assumed the more acidic the pH, the faster it would be for the forceps to rise to the top. Our data shows that our initial opinion may actually be wrong. The table shows that at pH 2, it took the forceps an average of 27 seconds to rise, at pH 7 an average of 18.3 seconds, and at pH 10 an average of 19.3 seconds. This created a parable instead of a linear relationship between rate and pH

Enzymes are proteins. They are used to catalyze chemical reactions, such as the Hydrogen Peroxide reaction that we did earlier in class. The enzyme created water and oxygen, when mixed with the hydrogen peroxide. The enzymes

· cause things to break down faster than normal;

· they do not break down themselves through the process;

· and they break down faster at pH 7 (neutral) and room temperature

Are enzymes alive? Are they similar to living things? Are enzymes improbable assembly?


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