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Rebecca's picture

Would I?

The statistic that I found the most surprising was the one regarding breast cancer and the human genome project. Only 5-10% of breast cancer is caused by genetics yet so much money is poured into reasearching the genetic aspect because of the human genome project perspective.  As an ecologist I found that fascinating because the article then brought up the exploration of the environmental causes of breast cancer and the importance of many different perspectives in solving these critical problems.

The other part of the article that I found interesting was the discussion about programs such as the Clare Boothe Luce professorship program.  I think that programs like this may be problematic because women may be discriminated against at their new jobs because of this special placement.  Also, it worries me that the existence of programs like these may foster the belief that there are differences in intrinsic aptitude for science between men and women.  That being said,  I would take one in a heartbeat.


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