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vcruz's picture

trying to make sense with the story...

Although this whole new concepts on evolution are still battling in myhead, like many have mentioned, I can't imagine this world without humans.I can't agree with the idea that something else will come out, or evolvefrom us. It's easier for me to see the changes and adaptations in animalswith their environment and as mentioned in class the idea that there areinternal changes in species create environmental changes, which then causenew changes in the new species seems logical. Still, I can only apply thatto animals, like Darwin's finches. The whole idea of humans going extinctis not something that will convince me just because of what's happened inthe past with old species - even if it's 99% of them..., if that was thecase, then prokaryotic cells would not exist any more - since that's whatit all started with and created new cells. I can however think ofdifferent ways in which humans have adapted to different things, likelifestyles, different eras, etc. The idea of a physical change is notsomething that I take, even when argued that our brain has evolved,because I see that due to more discoveries leading to more intelligentobservations of things rather than smarter brains...


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