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leigh urbschat's picture

Possibilities Really Endless?

As a comment on your last question I think you need to consider what those "input/output boxes" are made up of. Each input/output box is made up of collections of neurons. As the chain continues with input/output boxes made up of input/output boxes we must note that the single-celled neuron is the finite end to this ongoing chain. Although it is quite inspiring to compare the possibilities of your brain with that of the universe, we need to recognize that our brains weigh around 3 lbs and have a finite mass. The mass of the universe I cannot begin to guess nor the distances it spans.

In other words, I can see where you're coming from when you say that the amount of neurons in the brain leads to the unique people we all are. However, I think that it is naive to think that this same fact makes one's behavior and ability limitless. I think in the forum from last week people described their weaknesses and limits while asking if by working on these weaknesses if they would really change their character. Just by acknowledging these weaknesses we can see that the possibilities are finite.


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