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Sarah Powers's picture

Too Many To Count

In the last class we discussed the immenseness that is the nervous system. It is made up for too many neurons to count--the number is most likely inconcievable.  We also came to the conclusion that since there are so many neurons there aren't two brains that could be identical.So isn't amazing that we are so much alike?With the infinite number on connections between neurons, we somehow manage to end up very similar to the person sitting next to us.  You can look at a picture of a bird and know it's a picture, not a real bird. I can do the same thing. We both have the same mechanism to perceive 3D from 2D.  And that is only one example of how my brain is similar to yours. Fun Fact (from Time Magazine 1/29/07): The genes used in the development and functioning of the brain in mice and humans are 90% the same.So this similarity is not only from human to human either.  So much brain research is performed on rats and other small mammals--and that can tell us about the human brain. Using the boxes within boxes model, this makes sense considering the smallest box we're considering is the same.Our differences are incredible, but it's the similarities that interest me the most.


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