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I've been thinking about inputs and outputs in relation to thought and thought process.  If our brain is the most control center, forming our thoughts and ideas, then the role of inputs and outputs must be central to this.  I started to wonder about these inputs and outputs, and their exact roles in the thought process.  Is an original thought what's created as an output, with no input?  This would mean that it came from ourselves, with no outside input, and so it would make sense that this would be more unique that the output of an input.  We observe our surroundings, taking in what we can, presumingly as one form of input or another, and then output seems to be our brain's response to these inputs.. but these outputs that happen without inputs- or vice versa- must have some great significance in showing the way we think, the ideas that run through our heads, without other influence.. or.. maybe the inputs and outputs of past reactions are stored in the brain, and from these experiences is where we can draw originality- where we can formulate our own ideas, where these inputs come without outputs, o outputs without inputs.  Maybe the inputs and outputs together formulate ideas, but with direct outside influence..and maybe that's the difference between the outputs related to no particular input, or vice-versa, and inputs directly related to outputs. 


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