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Danielle P's picture

The story in the book

The story in the book Flatland has many similarities to the society presented in Life of Galileo. Generally, Flatland depicts a society and people with many characteritics reflected by our society today. The theme of denial and close mindedness is prevalent throughout the novel as evidenced by the square's refusal to accept the concept of Spaceland (going as far as to physically attack the visiting Sphere) and the Sphere's later refusal to consider the possibility of a fourth, fifth, or sixth dimension. However, after a headache inducing discussion on Thursday, I find that I can easily empathize with the people of Flatland; the truth of the matter is that complex ideas are sometimes just too much to grasp and accept. For many people the staying inside a certain "bubble" is a preferable way of life, even when they know that there is something more out there.


As for me, I also like my bubble - I'll stick with just three dimensions, thank you.


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