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Hyperpuffball's picture

Serious Satire

I took Flatland to be a satire: Abbot's overhashing of the female role in society, the narrator's disdain for the purely emotional nature of the women, and the switched shape symbolism of the sexes gave me a few cues. And yet I found myself increasingly frustrated with every mention of a logicless woman and their quick tempers.

This is mostly because the world we live in is so similar. I am a chemistry major, considering a math minor. I am in no way a purely emotional figure, nor is my brain necessarily wired to feel more than think as opposed to a man's brain, which is supposedely made to think more than to feel. It's utter (excuse my language) crap. Whomever conducted that study needed to make it clear that a woman's brain, while different from a male brain, does not always follow the observed pattern. Women can think more logically than emotionally- more analytically than comparitively.

I get science. Much better than I understand, say, comparitive literature. I'd rather write a lab report than a book report, I'd prefer to find the tangent plane to a surface than discuss the elements of a writer's tone that show a poem is about platonic love.

I'd rather sit in a lab and be respected for my findings, rather than sit in a lab and be respected for trying to overcome my nature.


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