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andrelle's picture

Saskia and Luisana


There is a positive correlation between the size of the organism and the size of it's cell. The bigger the organism, the bigger the cell.


Organism Diameter at 40x (microns) Average Diameter at 40x

Coleus Stem Tip 26.0, 18.2, 26.0, 208 22.7

Buttercup 36.4, 70.2, 52.0, 44.2 50.7

Pine Tree Stem 13.0, 10.4, 13.0, 15.6 13.0

Paramecium 130.0, 156.0 186.0

Human cheek 13.0, 7.8 20.8

Sum of observation:

Through this lab our hypothesis has been proven wrong. From our observations we see that there is an inverse relationship between the size of the organism and its individual cell. The bigger organism had the smallest cell size, and vice versa.


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