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Using the Microscope

Crystal Reed

Eri Koike

Andy Kim

Hypothesis: We began our experiment with the prediction that there will be little correlation between cell sizes and the size of the organism itself. The reasoning behind such hypothesis was that organisms vary such greatly in size while there is little difference in the size of the cells; we believe that genetic information stored in DNAs play a bigger role.


Observations: (Big --> Small)

1. Human cheek sample (10 X) 50-80 microns

2. Jejunum (Pig Intestine) (40 X) 2.6-5.2 microns

3. Coleus (Stem Tip) (4 X) 26-65 microns

4. Pine Stem (4 X) 26-182 microns

5. Euglena (Protist) 20 -50 microns

6. Mixed Flagellates (40 X) 2.6 microns

Conclusion: We found that are hypothesis proved to be correct to a certain extent. The differences in cell sizes were huge, contrary to our prediction. However, little connection seemed to exist between the size of the cells and their parent organism. We found that organism size may have more to do with the complexity of the cells, as observed in both the pig intestine and the pine stem sample.



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