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ErinDoppelheuer's picture

I personally like the story

I personally like the story that the earth goes around the sun because it makes the most logical sense and that is the idea that we as humans have lived with for the past 400 years.  If a new astronomer were to tell us that Galileo was wrong and that the sun really does revovle around the earth, people would be terrified because we are always scared of not knowing and of change.  I also like the idea that the earth goes around the sun because it makes the most astronomical sense.  The only other way to describe this phenomena was by epicylces, but Galileo knew better than to beleive epicyles.  Lastly I also beleive that Galileo's statement that the earth goes around the sun is true because it has been proved; over and over and over again.  If it were wrong, someone who have stood up a long time ago and changed it.  

There were certain parts of the book that made me think and were very interesting and one of them was when Galileo told a man to lok through his telescope and challenge him to deny what he saw.  Yet the man still did not fully beleive him even though the proof was right there in front of him.  Another thing that I found interesting that I didn't know about Galileo was that he actually stole the idea of the telescope.  I thought that he had actually come up with the idea, but really he only came up with the idea to point it towards the sky.  After reading this part of the story, Galileo seemed like a theif and a bit pathetic in a sense because he had to steal that idea in order to make him self money and it was off that idea that was someone elses that made him into an even better astronomer, because now he could see the sky in a whole new way.


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