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In the poll I voted “to be

In the poll I voted “to be educated” as the most important goal. I based my decision on the goal that is most important to me now. Money is not as important to me because I know after college I won’t have much. Getting a job is not very important right now because I am freshman that wants to worry about her education. My goal of being educated will eventually lead me to my other goals of having a good job and hopefully with that good job, some money, though it does not directly lead me to love and family. The dictionary defines a goal as the result or achievement toward which effort is directed. Through this definition I achieved my goal of love and family. I have a family at home that supports my education and supports my dreams. Their love helps me accomplish my goal of being educated because I know that they believe in my dreams. It is through the accomplishment of this goal that I am able to make education my most important goal right now.


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