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eshuster's picture

How can behavior= brain

The way I see it is the first must be able to exist without the second or the first and the second cannot exist at all. If one were to look at it, can behavior exist without the brain? No. Can the brain exist without behavior? Yes. The brain is physical and no matter what it can still exist whether dead or alive. If the brain dies so does the behavior and the organism. How can we have behavior without a brain?

How can we connect the two to begin with? If we think the brain is just a series of neurons and action potentials then what is behavior and what is thinking? Why do we behave? Why do we have a brain? What is the point of the two? It's like the chicken and the egg. No one knows what came first but it will always be argued about because there is an argument in either direction that leads to the loop. The loop is the controversial topic that will never have an answer that ends. The answer to every question will be another question that will continue the loop which will lead to another question and the loop of never ending questions will continue.


What did come first the chicken or the egg?

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is present to hear it, did it make a sound?

Which is correct brain=behavior or behavior=brain?

Do we ask these questions to continue the loop or does loop force us to ask these questions so that it is continued?

There is no answer just another question that will always lead to more questions. There is no escaping the questions.



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