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Catrina Mueller's picture

I think that this statement

I think that this statement is very true. Although we do not always recognize that fairytales are teaching us something, the do in fact hold deeper meanings.

His comparison between Rapunzel, the little Engine that could, and the Swiss Family Robison was not very fair in my opinion. The Little Engine teaches us to persevere and not give up. Although the little girl failed to build her paper house, all she needed to do was ask for a bit of help to keep going. Perhaps the Engine should have called for help to teach kids that asking for help is okay.

I think that asking for help is for many people one of the hardest things to do. We are so sure that we "can do anything" by ourselves that we often times forget that we are not infaliable. In fact, Cinderella teaches us just that. On our own, we are fine, but with the help of a "fairy godmother", we can do any task set before us. I am not sure why "society" as a whole seems to put an emphasis on not asking for help. Is it because we are expected to be "macho" and not show weakness?


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