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Access to Education Reflection

Of the many paths of access, a greater question is raised. Does anyone have a complete access to education? Tompkins chose the path toward academia, which disregarded her path of the outside world. Luttrell’s women had a sense of the real world, but barely had a taste of schooling. Rodriquez chose the academic path as well but shut out his home education. In each situation no one had a complete access to education. There were numerous ideas and paths that each person could explore, but those paths were not taken. There was barely any thinking or experience done for Tompkins and Rodriquez in the path of the outside world and vice versa for Luttrell’s students. This idea of access to education in accordance to experience and thinking can be applied to the greater majority. The upper and middle classes do not always have a sense of the struggles the lower class faces and the lower class does not always know the benefits that come with an education. Although the three classes have access to education, it is incomplete. In each case, there is always something that can be experienced and thought about. The process of learning is endless and with the possibility of an endless education, access to education will never be complete, but through thinking and experience, it can broaden.
I found this essay difficult to write in the beginning. My thoughts were all over the place when choosing a direction. I ended with the idea that access to education is something that everyone has. But then the idea that everyone has access to education led me to believe that there has to be common ground to access since people have different types of access. The idea of experience and thinking became the common ground to access of education. This idea led to my final thoughts that no one has complete access to education. Since learning and thinking are endless and thinking is an experience, access to education will always be incomplete because there is always something more to think about and experience. This was the path that led to my idea on access to education.