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Rhoads Pond-Hira's Site Reflections

hirakismail's picture

Visiting the Visual Again

Looking back at my images, this one does seem more anthropocentric than the second, if I view it from a smaller animal's perspective. Around Rhoad's Pond, there aren't many animals that would be able to see the grass, blossoms, and lake from the angle this photo takes. I was kneeling on my knees when I took this picture, because I wanted to get the trees, grass, petals, fence, and lake all in one image. I wanted to encompass the surroundings in this photo. In deciding which pict to post the first time, I had a hard time deciding between this and the second, because I had a feeling somehow that this one  was not as specific to the sight, or seemed to not fit somehow. Now I realize perhaps why I felt that way.

hirakismail's picture

Reflection on the Rheomode in Nature?

While approaching my site to make my observations, I realized it was difficult to at first recognize the exact tree I had in my memory. I wanted to sit under a particular cherry blossom tree, but in finding it, I had to locate it by looking at the surroundings, and remembering which tree others were sitting under, what view I had of the fence, etc. This time, of course, it was not in full bloom with floating cherry blossoms, so I had to use other methods to recognize it. On my way down to the tree, I had taken off my shoes because it was easier to descend the hill that way, and when I finally sat down, it felt more comfortable to keep them off. I wanted to make sure I was using as many senses as possible, and so I wanted to touch my surroundings with both my feet and my hands.What was very apparent to me was the amount of animal sounds I could finally pay attention to and hear. There was some thudding from the tennis courts to my right and some light conversation from the window behind me as well, but for once, the major sounds I heard were of insects. There was a squirrel jumping from from post to post on the fence in front of me, and since I was sitting still, it came closer. I noticed the pond was looking very full today, probably because of the rain, and it had so much greenery within it's waters, small growths were covering the top of the water, clover-like. The marshes were partially in the shade, partially in the sun, as was most of the pond.

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