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One Student's blog

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see minotaur



the mutilation of the corpus which bore me

Academic writing raises questions and answers them, with an aim to be definitive. Personal writing tells a story but raises no questions. Hermaphroditic writing raises questions … and ends paragraph with questions marks?

One Student's picture

An Immodest Proposal, and quite a lot of other things as well

First of all, this is like my link of the YEAR: You know those forms where you have to check off either male or female? I hate those two little ticky boxes. That’s all I get, two choices!? Well, this website has 904 ticky boxes. 904!!! Beautiful. Playing with it has made me tremendously more comfortable with having a gender identity as thrillingly unstable and indefinable-and-unmappable-with-traditional-terms as my sexual orientation.

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Not the Person I Thought I Was; Nor the Body

I’m not the person anyone thought I was. I’m not the person I thought I was. I’m not any kind of person anyone has thought of before, perhaps. An internal shift, wholly mental, frightening and thrilling. The ground beneath my feet was moving, but it was all safely metaphorical.


Livejournal entry of 11:26pm 09/10/2007


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From the Introvert's Mouth

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How To

A question on my mind is how to live as a feminist, a writer, and a scholar. Where do I stand as a feminist, a writer, and a scholar? To put it another way, how do I write as a feminist scholar?


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