Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!

Blended Learning Resources

Aims to be a clearinghouse for digital materials in science and math. Differs from many other sites in that it catalogs materials a number of different ways: subject matter, educational level, anticipated use of material (i.e., review). As an example, they have concept maps that illustrate interaction between scientific concepts and list material in library related to each concept.

Contains several applets that can be used to illustrate science and math concepts: Moving Man applet (motion, slope of a line, derivatives, etc.); two water flow applets; and two current flow applets.

Spicynodes is particularly useful in the sciences as a concept-mapping tool. It allows presentations to incorporate interactivity, animation, and radial mapping. Accounts are free, and presentations can be shared and worked on collaboratively.