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Brain and Behavior Resources

Brain and Behavior

External resources and links

(a supplement to Serendip's Brain and Behavior materials
and a Neurobiology and Behavior course;
suggestions for additions welcome in the on-line forum area below)


General resource lists

Neurosciences on the Internet

The World Wide Web Virtual Library - Neuroscience

Internet Neuroscience Resources

Neuroscience Journals on the Internet


General resources

The Brain Web and Brain Resource Center, from the Dana Foundation, "provides information and links to validated sites about brain diseases and disorders." Also "Brainy Kids Online," "Brain Resources for Seniors," "BrainWork," "Brain in the News," "Neuroethics," "NeuroEd" and "Cerebrum" (an on-line magazine)

Neuroscience for Kids - a wealth of information and resource lists, not just for kids. Includes "Neuroscience in the News" and "Milestones in Neuroscience Research,"

Neuroanthropology, "a collaborative weblog, created to encourage exchanges among anthropology, philosophy, social theory, and the brain sciences"

William H. Calvin- "mostly on brains, evolution, and where we're heading", links to his own books and other things

The Brain Project - by Stephen Jones, "chapters on various issues related to consciousness"

Classics in the history of psychology - a major resource of online texts and links to online texts

MIT CogNet - "an online location for the brain and cognitive science community's scientific research"

Psychology Tutorials and Demonstrations - a rich collection of materials by and from John Krantz, Hanover College


Basic Neuroscience


Neuroscience OnLine: Electronic Textbook for the Neurosciences - from University of Texas Medical School at Houston

Sheep Brain Dissection Guide - from the University of Scranton Neuroscience Program

Comparative Mammalian Brain Collections - from the University of Wisconsin

The Whole Brain Atlas

Digital Anatomist - from the University of Washington, includes interactive brain atlas

Neuroscience Tutorial - from Washington University, an illustrated guide to clinical neuroscience

Neurons - from the University of Toronto

Neuroscience Animations - John Krantz, Hanover College



Seeing, hearing, and smelling the world - from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Sensation and Perception Tutorials - from John Krantz, Hanover College

Visual Perception Online Laboratory - Purdue Universitiy

Mark Newbold's Home Page
- various fun/miscellaneous animations, including Stereo 3D Stuff and Necker Cube

The Waterfall Illusion

Musical Illusions and Paradoxes - by Diana Deutsch, University of California San Diego, including downloadable material

You must be hearing things - (pdf) from CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks for Kids

A Memory for Faces, Extreme Version (NYT, 25 May 2009)


And on ... 

Developmental Topographical Disorientation - "...a cognitive neuroscience research laboratory dedicated to investigate the individuals' inability to orient in an environment, a condition that is commonly known as topographical disorientation..."

Cognition Laboratory Experiments - by John Krantz, Hanover College

Circadian Technologies, Inc. - includes tutorials on circadian rhythms, sleep, alertness

Parasomnias - Arousal Disorders Information - from The Sleep Well, Stanford University

Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness

Psychological Tutorials and Demonstrations - compiled/created by John Krantz, Department of Psychology, Hanover College

Sleepwalking: Insanity or Automatism - by Peter Ridgway, Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law, Australia

How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School - (1999) by the Committee on Developments in the Science of Learning, National Research Council, from the National Academy Press, available on line.

Forensic psychiatry, a resource list


News articles

Reading Practice Can Strengthen Brain 'Highways' (NPR, 12/9/09) and related article in the journal Neuron

How to Train the Aging Brain (NYT, 12/29/2009)


Paul Grobstein's picture

Brain resource addition

The Brain from Top to Bottom, from McGill University.  A rich set of illustrated resources on traditional/contemporary neuroscience topics.  
Laura Compian's picture

Gender Differences in Children and Adolescents


I am writing to suggest a link to a new special edition on gender differences in education. We partnered with Dr. Leonard Sax to bring high-quality, evidence-based information for parents from the leading researchers and practitioners in this area. This content is completely free to access.

Take a look and let us know what you think!


Laura Compian, Ph.D.
Counseling Psychologist

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