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Praxis Visit Reflection

Mystical Mermaid's picture

When we arrived at the site Aubrey and I already had a project waiting for us. We worked together to reshape and add to the organizations website that had been unkept. Aubrey is very tech savy so I mostly just gave in my input and ideas while she made it happen. I would say that it was very frustrating because the website used to create this website was really weird and would move things that we hadn't clicked on or would freeze. It took us the entire visit to update and fix one tab on the website. That's how uncooperative the website was. But we got that done and there's so much more to go. Thinking about it makes me tired. I had also missed my nap that Friday so I was already very sleepy. But I'm happy we worked together and I wasn't there doing it alone. If that was the case... I would have been very lost and very annoyed.