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Social Prosthetics, Revealing Masks

nbarker's picture

What happens when your face is no longer yours? How can you ever feel like a whole self again, when your face no longer represents you? Faces are one of the main ways that we humans form conceptions of ourselves, and they are our method of taking in sensory information, as well as communicating with each other.


bgenaro's picture

Play is extremely versatile, as outlined in "Playing in Industrial Ruins." Play can come in all shapes and forms; it's for all genders, races, backgrounds, and ages. Right when you think that play has gone, it sprouts up in another form. Children can play on nice, suburban playgrounds, or they can play in the streets. Children can play on farms or in the mountains. Children can playa in America or in the Middle East. Play never ceases to exist. When children can't physically play, they find ways to occupy their desire mentally. Play is a necessity and a luxury for children and you can find it wherever you go. 

#5 Elite, my Gatoi Revised

nienna's picture

Elite, that was her name. She looked exactly the same as all the other ones I had had before. However, when we first met, on that specific Sunday morning in 2008, I thought she would be my saving grace. She would be the one to help me accomplish all my dreams. She would be the one.

Our relationship lasted exactly 4 years, between breaks and comebacks. It did not take me a long time to realize that Elite was not as easy to keep up with as I initially thought she would be. She was too demanding, too rigid, and too orthodox. She asked me to do things I have never thought I would have to do in order to achieve my goal

Youtube vs Bloodchild-paper 2 revised

rokojo's picture

Youtube is a unique form of media that allows video creators to get closer than ever to their fanbase. It has facilitated collaboration and interaction and has brought people together to form tight communities. In recent years youtube video makers have risen to a level of celebrity with millions of fans all over the world. Through their videos, they have the power to carefully construct their image. They can edit their videos and perform a persona that may be different than their real life personality. Viewers like myself feel we know the people whose videos we watch although for the most part we only know about the parts of them they want us to see. They also have the power of having a platform on which to spread their ideas, thoughts, and goals to a wide variety of people.

Moving "Back" As A Means To Move Forward

aquato's picture

            The first time I heard the term “reclamation”, I was sitting in my Environmental Science class, learning it in the context of mining. Under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, mining companies were required to restore the post-mine lands back to a naturally or economically usable purpose. My teacher, while optimistic about the results, ultimately lamented the notion that the land would never truly be restored to its original, pre-mined landscape. The land was scarred, he told us, and consequences of mining were irreversible. The idea has stuck with me since then, this thought that once something has undergone some change—whether negative or not—it remains impossible to convert it back to its first state.