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Kristin Lindgren

Kristin Lindgren directs the Writing Center and teaches courses in literature, writing, and disability studies at Haverford College. She and her students collaborate every year with artists at the Center for Creative Works. She is co-editor of two books on Deaf culture, Signs and Voices and Access (Gallaudet University Press),and author of numerous articles and essays on illness and disability. Her work appears in collections including Gendering Disability, Illness in the Academy, Disability and the Teaching of Writing, Disability and Mothering, Transforming the Academy, and A Cultural History of Disability. She enjoys convening events and exhibitions that bring together scholars, artists, curators, and activists. Kristin has been involved for many years with Let’s Circle Up, a restorative justice project founded by men incarcerated at SCI-Phoenix. She envisions teaching and learning as creative, multimodal, lifelong practices that can help us to build a more inclusive world.