For 35 years, Anne Dalke taught English and Gender Studies at Bryn Mawr College, where she received the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Change Master Fund award for her contributions to social betterment through scholarship. She now teaches and facilitates workshops in several Philadelphia area jails and prisons, as an affiliate of The Petey Greene Program, the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program and Let’s Circle Up, a Restorative Justice project. A Quaker with a particular interest in resistant teaching practices, she is the author of Teaching to Learn/Learning to Teach: Meditations on the Classroom (2002); co-editor, with Barbara Dixson, of Minding the Light: Essays in Friendly Pedagogy (2004); with Jan Trembley, of A Special Issue on Emergence Theory, in Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal (2007); with Elizabeth McCormack, of On Beyond Interdisciplinarity, Journal of Research Practice (2007); and co-author, with Jody Cohen, of Steal This Classroom: Teaching and Learning Unbound, a book and website published by punctum books, a publisher dedicated to "spontaneous acts of scholarly combustion."