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Reflection-Scientific Literacy

Mystical Mermaid's picture

I'd like to make a comment on scientic literacy and how my mind has changed on what that actually is. When asked "Are you scientifically literate?' I responded "no" because I though about my struggles with Biology, Chemistry, and Physics in highschool. But, I didn't take the time to think about the different sciences there are like social science which is the study of the interactions of people. So, I would say it depend on what kind of science you're really taking about when you ask the question-- unless it's just in general. I also thought about my school and why most of the students that were good at Bio, Chemistry, and Physics were men. I started to think about how the women in my school were better at subjects like English. Where we programmed to think that we aren't as good as men to be able to do scientific and mathematic work? Why is is that I always felt let down or that I could never ever grasp a scientific concept in Physics class? Did I sell myself short because of what I've been told and because I hadn't got the encouragement that I needed as a child? Did I grow up this way?  Just so many questions.