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Reflection- Reading for Self-Care

Mystical Mermaid's picture

The discussion that we had this week about reading for self-care really made me think. It made me think about how when I was younger picking up a book and reading or free-writing was something that I really enjoyed. Now picking up a book feels more like a chore and if I'm ever asked to free write or write about myself, I feel as I have nothing to say. It was interesting to find out that most of us in the class felt that exact same way. Today's school system does not stress the importance of reading and writing for self-care as much as it needs to me. This especially affects literacy. If educational institutions want students to be engaged in the material they are learning, relate to it, and ultimately become writers, schools need to teach students what it is to write freely and read for leisure. Most students do not have the opportunity to engaged in these kind of things which explains why we have students saying how they don't like to read or write papers. They were not shown anything else expect some thick textbook with small letters about something they could care less about, but need to know in order to graduate. I attempted to read for leisure last semester. I actually went as far as to buy a book from Barnes & Noble. I haven't even finished a single chapter and I've had the book for about 5 months.