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Reading literacy: Notes Towards Day 6 (Thurs, Jan. 26)

Anne Dalke's picture

I. (2:25-2:30, Anne): coursekeeping

--for next Tuesday,
we'll keep on "reading literacy";
Chapter 1 of Kirk Branch's book, "Educational Literacy Practices and the World in Which We Need to Live,"
along with "Critical Literacy as Care for the Self,” Chapter 8 of Ernest Morrell's book on Critical Literacy and Urban Youth
You should get hold of Branch's book (we will read most of it);
Morrell's chapter is in our protected reading file, linked to from syllabus

--reminder that in the long stretch between now and Tuesday,
we'll be keeping in touch: you have two postings due:
on our discussion about class dynamics, by midnight tonight;
and on your first praxis experience, by midnight on Sunday
[you also read 2 coupla short excerpts and a webpage for today,
that may help you with this...]

--happy to see
that Martina has already put our course forum to use,
posting about the event next Tues night, GSSWSR, about race in the juvenile justice system

--we're going to shorten our Wed classes (so Miciah can get here from her praxis site!):
next week we'll meet in Thomas 104 @ 2 pm (don't give up that hour entirely; we may fiddle
once Miciah figures out how long her commute actually takes, etc.)

--we also need to be mindful of our ending time today; the first candidate for the AfAm poetry position
will be speaking here right after class, and the dept chair asked me that we skedaddle
right on time, so they can set up the recording equipment, etc.

II. (2:30-2:40, Nell):
introduce Josh and TA from YASP, and us to them: say name/placement

III. 2:40-3:10: Josh and TA,
talking about
YASP as an organization (history, current priorities and strategies,
the leadership team model),
how they became involved with YASP and their current roles,
and the role that volunteers have played in the past. 

III. 3:10-3:45: Break out into small groups:
Nell with Books Through Bars
Jody with YASP
Anne with RCF

IV. Anne's notes [orientation packet attached--let's review]
--transportation: who's driving tomorrow, pick-up @ Pem Arch @ 11:45
--Farida okay w/ being the GPS person; give us a call if you're running late;
tomorrow begins with an hour's orientation
--BRING YOUR GOVERNMENT ID--if you don't, you will sit in the parking lot for 2 hours
--DRESS CAREFULLY (=conservatively)
--don't bring anything you can't leave in the van; only pencil and paper
--reminder about the pat-down (and possibility of requesting a woman to do this)
--syllabus @ /oneworld/unsettling-literacy/draft-syllabus-rcf
--we'll be giving books to the women inside; your copies have also been bought by the college,
are on loan, to be re-used, so please do not write in them or otherwise damage
--J & I will facilitate the first few sessions;
possibility that y'all (esp. those already familiar w/ RCF--Farida, Dani)
might co-facilitate later on

File RCF Orientation Packet rev..docx719.75 KB