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Yumi the Potato (Revision)

Mystical Mermaid's picture

The life that Yumi lived as a young girl has shaped her into the kind of person and mother she is. Sure, she is not the best mother but she knows that she has a responsibility for her children, which drives her to become a better mother. Potatoes grow underground, unseen in a moist environment until they are ready to sprout up and be picked from the ground. Yumi's childhood was underground in which she experienced some dark things. But these experiences only helped her grow into a better woman—slowly, until she is ready to sprout up out from underground and finally be her own self. Due to these dark circumstances underground, the act of Yumi actually sprouting out only really happens when she is well into her adult years. Her experience with Elliot, the relationship with her father, and the shriveled up relationship with Cass were all factors in the delay of her growth and her sprouting from the "ground."

When Yumi was fourteen, she developed a "relationship" with a man who happened to be her high school teacher. This man, Elliot took advantage of the fact that she was young and naïve, and fetishized the fact that she was Japanese. Ultimately, he raped Yumi; it was a rape because at the time Yumi was not of age to give consent. He treated her like an object for his own selfish pleasures. Since Yumi experienced something so violating at such a young age, and not fully understanding the severity of the situation, this delayed her growth as a person. After not seeing Elliot for 25 years, totally ignoring the fact that she was in an abusive "relationship," she chooses to spend more time with Elliot over her children. Yumi did make a selfish decision but I don't think it was driven by selfishness. Her relation to Elliot was toxic and abusiverun-on; therefore, it has affected her and how she makes decisions. This time in Yumi's life was her being underground in the dirt. In the process of growing into a woman this experience has kept her underground. But, Yumi getting past everything was her growing from the dirt and into the light.

Yumi had three children all from three different fathers. At a young age she ran away from home once her father found out that she had sex with a man. Ever since then her relationship with her father had been non-existent while she communicated with her mother solely through letters. Yumi wanted to rebel against her father and run away from his strict nature. By doing that, she did not have a father figure in her life. Like a potato and any other living organism in general, it needs sunlight, water, and nutrients to grow. The lack of a father figure in Yumi's life was like Yumi having a lack of sunlight, water, or nutrients in her life. She did not have to the proper environment to grow healthy because she was away from home. I think that may have contributed to the fact that she has three children from three different men. Without realizing it, maybe Yumi had been trying to fill in the hole in her life that her biological father was supposed to fill. The separation from her parents and specifically her father may have affected her more than she thinks.

Cass and Yumi were best friends in grade school but, Yumi never "stayed in contact" with Cass when she ran away. But in actuality she did write Cass but Cass never knew that because Cass' father took themthe letters before they could reach her. This would be another circumstance that has kept Yumi underground and has delayed her from sprouting. Since Cass didn't contact her back this hindered her from growing because it was as if another person important to her and someone who knew what she’d been through no longer wanted to be in her life anymore. While Yumi was away sheCass in a way replaced her as she bought most of Yumi's father's land and has been taking care of them while they are sick. Cass even took it upon herself to contact Yumi for the sake of Yumi's parents. I know that the way things had wentgone between Yumi and Cass, and the fact that Cass was more of a daughter to Momoko and Lloyd really hurt Yumi. If Yumi and Cass' would have actually been able to write to each other freely then that could have been a really healthy friendship in which Yumi would have had help staying on track and make better decisions in her life. Cass also must envy Yumi and the fact that she has children, when Cass knows that she could do a better job at raising them.

Ultimately, Yumi isn't the ideal mom, she has overcome obstacles that have hindered her growth. But that does not mean that Yumi stopped trying to be a better mom. She kept going and was trying to keep her life on track so that she can sprout out of the dark ground, as a healthy potato, and into the sunlight. Yumi has done this successfully because she finally is maturing although it was at a slower rate than a person normally would.