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Three sentences on GW, China, and Donald Trump

AntoniaAC's picture

"Global warming is an expensive hoax!" tweeted the united States president elect, Donald Trump. What does this mean for the climate safety in American and around the world. As the leading nation in natural resource consumption, The United States has caused much harm to the global enviroment and has contributed to the warming. While denying the ever growing problem of climate change might be easier for Donald, the rest of the world is suffering from our unsustanable practices. Dave Tilford from the Sierra's Club brought some sobering fact to the article by reminind Americans that, "Our per capita use of energy, metals, minerals, forest products, fish, grains, meat, and even fresh water dwarfs that of people living in the developing world.” As a nation, America has been a power house of development and industry but at a cost. With Donald as the president-elect for both US citizens and other countries there is a fear that the climate's well being will be neglected and with the threat of the United States dropping out of the Paris Accord, an initiative to "bring down global greenhouse gas emissions," many people have questioned where the nation is headed in terms of the enviromental strategies. 

Three sentences:

President-elect, Donald Trump, has repeatedly denied the existence of climate change and the realities of global warming, however, this does not necessarily China will stop its attempts to curb climate change by 2030. The threat of America removing itself from the Paris Accords, and an initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and warming globally, has many countries on the fence about the Accord, including India, some of the countries (the US and India) are the top produces of CO2 emission but China remains firm in its position. China may have some personal benefit with sticking to it pledge including a chance at solving many of its domestic problems (pollution, drinkable water, etc). Maybe "The Collapse of the Western World" was accuate,  maybe China have a greater resistance to global pollution because it government does not fall into the party folly that America does. 

Work Cited

Baker, Jill. "Climate Expert Says China Committed To Battling Climate Change -- Even If The U.S. Drops Out Of Paris Accord." Forbes. Nov 14 2016. Web. Nov    14 2016